I have been asked to share some google sheets that I use, by other clans.
However, I can't post external links here.
So I have posted them on my google web page.
runescape google assist sheets - google sites
All my sheets start with "Runescape Demo of" which also may assist in searching for specific sheets.
1. Auto clan rank checker for clans that rank by xp.
2. Auto clan rank checker for clans that rank by points.
3. Clanmates inactivity check for full clans that need to remove inactive for new active players.
4. Temp avatar warders list / tracker.
5. Clan name / rank change checker.
6. Virtual high scores (personal)
7. Virtual high scores (personal)
[Old School ]
8. Admin + forum / message board.
9. Official v Actual rank clan xp
10. Clan Face
11. Clans by Home World / Language filter.
12. DEAD clanmates scanner. (Banned or long term left the game - fell off high scores)
13. Clanmates highscores download
14. Clan Competition
15. GE price set checker with items you choose
16. GE price set checker with items you choose
[Old School]
Old School
Clan or competition and clan highscores
18. Ironman accounts within a clan scanner.
19. Track me.
20. Clan data recorder and tracker.
21. Citadel CAPPER scanner and tracker.
Plus more, the list just keeps growing...
(These sheets have scripts.)
So be sure you only copy these sheets from this source.
You will need to activate the script and allow it to operate.
Plus set up an auto update trigger and allow that also.
There are instructions on each sheet.
Serenity Isle Clan. - - -
Google assist sheets link here