There has been some discussion in my clan lately about going for a T5 Citadel upgrade. We are not sure if we have to reach 25 visits to make upkeep or just to contribute resources towards the upgrade.
Basically, do we run any risk of dilapidation if we only get 20-24 visits in a week?
Basically how this works is, the upgrade to T5 requires at least 20 visitors for the resources that are going towards the upgrade to contribute. So, if you don't get the required 20 visitors, the resources gathered that exceed your required upkeep will just not contribute to the upgrade.
You only need 5 visitors per week to keep your Citadel from dilapidating (along with meeting weekly upkeep), so you don't have anything to worry about there.
Just motivate your clan members to at least visit the Citadel weekly (even if they don't want to cap). This literally takes minimal effort in seconds, and would greatly benefit your clan if you need the visitor count for the upgrade.
Good luck
EDIT: Actually, I double checked the visitor count on the Wiki, which says the upgrade from T4 to T5 only requires 20 visitors, not 25.
~ Sicariu
Leader of
Something to think about, is to also have some cosmetic stuff on your build list.
These don't require a visitor count, and if in any week you don't meet the visitor count, then you can change the priority of the cosmetic so that any resources that would otherwise be lost, can be allocated there instead.
It wont help with your progress towards the citadel upgrade, but it will allow you to use the resources gathered.