Hello everyone,
Capping is my clan's weakness. We struggle with it. If any other clans/leaders have any suggestions to make capping less of a chore, I would love to hear what advice you have. You can also try some of the stuff I've tried, maybe it'll work with a different group of people.
We have tried:
Making capping voluntary -
What worked: Started off really well as the clan started out that way. I was doing a lot of recruiting and people seemed to cap on their own with or without friendly reminders. It was less stressful on clannies.
What didn't work: People became inactive or complacent feeling capping doesn't benefit them.
Forcing caps -
What worked: Got people to cap as it was now a requirement and new clannies were made aware right from the beginning.
What didn't work: No one likes to be forced to do something or constantly reminded, especially something as boring as capping. I find it utterly boring too. Some of the maxed clannies felt capping doesn't benefit them.
What worked: From the poorer players to the richer ones, they were really interested in capping due to this weekly raffle. They looked forward to this plus it really helped out poorer players. (10m raffle each week is very alluring)
What didn't work: Same few people capped each week. Same few people won, often richer players. Sometimes we didn't get donations but that was a very minimal problem.
Ranking incentives-
What worked: Some of the more ambitious clannies would cap for ranks and that gave them a goal and purpose.
What didn't work: Our clan isn't big on ranks, no one really cares about them lol. (Intentional)
Cap parties-
What worked: Probably the best solution so far is this. When you get a few people to cap at the same time they are more willing to stay and cap. Capping in groups is great for socializing and getting to know others.
What didn't work: Different time zones, busy schedules, inactives make it hard for cap parties to exist. Will work on this one.
Capping is my clan's weakness. We struggle with it. If any other clans/leaders have any suggestions to make capping less of a chore, I would love to hear what advice you have. You can also try some of the stuff I've tried, maybe it'll work with a different group of people.
We have tried:
Making capping voluntary -
What worked: Started off really well as the clan started out that way. I was doing a lot of recruiting and people seemed to cap on their own with or without friendly reminders. It was less stressful on clannies.
What didn't work: People became inactive or complacent feeling capping doesn't benefit them.
Forcing caps -
What worked: Got people to cap as it was now a requirement and new clannies were made aware right from the beginning.
What didn't work: No one likes to be forced to do something or constantly reminded, especially something as boring as capping. I find it utterly boring too. Some of the maxed clannies felt capping doesn't benefit them.
What worked: From the poorer players to the richer ones, they were really interested in capping due to this weekly raffle. They looked forward to this plus it really helped out poorer players. (10m raffle each week is very alluring)
What didn't work: Same few people capped each week. Same few people won, often richer players. Sometimes we didn't get donations but that was a very minimal problem.
Ranking incentives-
What worked: Some of the more ambitious clannies would cap for ranks and that gave them a goal and purpose.
What didn't work: Our clan isn't big on ranks, no one really cares about them lol. (Intentional)
Cap parties-
What worked: Probably the best solution so far is this. When you get a few people to cap at the same time they are more willing to stay and cap. Capping in groups is great for socializing and getting to know others.
What didn't work: Different time zones, busy schedules, inactives make it hard for cap parties to exist. Will work on this one.
<- is a friendly, all levels, teaching, non-leech/buy/sell dungeoneering friends chat

31-Jan-2017 03:32:29