After the new update, does one no longer receive a fealty star for capping? I just capped after a while not doing so, but received no star on cape, and no added % on avatar xp boost.
In that regard, Fealty still works the same as it always has, but it is much quicker to reach the required amount of resources for fealty now.
Once you've gathered enough resources to reach the required amount for Fealty, you will see a message pop up in your chat box stating so. However, your Fealty rank will not increase until your Citadel's next Build Tick. When you enter the Citadel during the next Build Cycle, you will get a message in your chat box stating that your fealty rank has increased due to your resources gathered during the previous cycle.
So, you will not see that star until the next Build Cycle after your Citadel has reset.
Hope that answers your question.
~ Sicariu
Leader of