Our clan has a Tier Three Citadel, and is accumulating the resources to Upgrade to Tier Four. We always make our Visitor Count and gather enough for Upkeep. However, for some time (I hadn't been keeping track) the additional resources gathered for the Upgrade show up, then reset to the previous week's amount on the Weekly Build Tick.
Hmm, that's pretty strange. As long as you meet the required visitor count for the upgrade, then all resources gathered over the upkeep amount should accumulate in the upgrade for T4.
Are you sure you're meeting the required amount of visitors each week? This upgrade requires 15 visitors. And here's the chart from the Wiki just as a reference:
For your clan's next citadel reset, would you be able to post before/after screenshots of your citadel progress (one from right before and one right after reset) so I, or any other clan leaders passing through here, can try to spot your issue?
~ Sicariu
Leader of